pass argument to a filename

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2001
Question pass argument to a filename

How can I use the value of an argument as a filename? Example:
The argument for a process is 999. I would like the output of the process to be placed in a file called 999. I have tried using $$1, but that only assigns a unigue number.

# 2  
Old 09-03-2001

Using KSH, use quotes around your 'filename':

echo $1 > "$1"
[patrick@homer-lux patrick]$ ./test.ksh justdoit
[patrick@homer-lux patrick]$ ll justdoit
-rw-r--r--    1 patrick  sys             9 Sep  3 21:09 justdoit
[patrick@homer-lux patrick]$ more justdoit
[patrick@homer-lux patrick]$

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