DISPLAY settiing

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# 8  
Old 10-04-2001
OK. It looks as though you need to set up the
execution environment first.

Try adding this in the VERY TOP line of your script...


Apparently, scripts that do not start with a "#" are given
/bin/sh (see quote from csh man page)...

Standard shell, for shell scripts not starting with a `#'.

Let me know if that works Smilie
# 9  
Old 10-04-2001
Thanks! that works.
but that setting lasts only for the script i think. that is while executing the script, it sets the environment variable but after the execution of that, as I was looking at the env variables.. i could not find the DISPLAY variable that if i use the same setting for different purpose i get some error.

i hope u understand.
# 10  
Old 10-04-2001
Very true. Any environment variable you set in a shell
script will only be valid for that script and it's children.

You should probably create a .cshrc file in your home
directory (if there isn't one already) and add the line...

setenv DISPLAY ip_address_of_host:0.0

...this way when you log in, it will be set up automatically.
You can also check out the "source" built-in command in the
csh man page.
# 11  
Old 10-04-2001
thank you very much,by the way, i have got something else related to this. I was trying to make shortcuts like "cd somedirectory"
i generally use aliases for that. instead i thought of writing mini scripts which didn't work.

so, is there any other way than setting aliases to perform such thing?

# 12  
Old 10-04-2001
alias is the way to go Smilie

You can set these aliases up in your .cshrc file as well
and they will always be available (unless you subsequently
unalias them).
# 13  
Old 10-04-2001
but i wonder these aliases would affect my system performance since i already have at least 15 aliases in my .cshrc file. Is it so?
# 14  
Old 10-04-2001
not in the least... unless you're counting nano-seconds Smilie
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