set uid question w/ backup script

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# 1  
Old 08-10-2001
set uid question w/ backup script

this is the backup script. When i run it as a non root or authority user i get the following errors for each filesystem being backedup. It then continues to the next fs. Do i have this set up correctly? am i missing something?

backup: The backup command has ended abnormally.
backup: 0511-225 Cannot open /dev/rmt0.1.
Operation not permitted.

#! /bin/ksh
#       This script is intended to be used on AIX 4.3.3 and 4.3.2 ONLY.
#       This will use the backup utility doing a level 0 dump on any filesystem defined for $filesys and update /etc/dumpdates.
#       Arguments:
#               DEVICE = backup device rmt0 = rewinding rmt0.1 = non-rewinding
#               DUMPINFO = file that will collect info to be emailed out
#               MARK = possition on the tape

FILESYSTEMS="/ /usr /var /home"

echo > $DUMPINFO

for filesys in $FILESYSTEMS; do
        echo "Date: `date`
Filesystem: $filesys
Position: $MARK
Device: $DEVICE
        " >> $DUMPINFO
        /usr/sbin/backup -f $DEVICE -0 -u $filesys >/dev/null 2>&1
        MARK=`expr ${MARK} + 1`
cat $DUMPINFO|mailx -s "Dumpinfo `hostname`" root
sleep 20
mt -f $DEVICE rewoffl

Script Perms:
-r-sr-sr-x 1 root system 850 Aug 09 17:11 /var/adm/scripts/backup.ksh

Backup command perms (just incase needed):
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root system 4320 Dec 24 1998 /usr/sbin/backup

Last edited by Optimus_P; 08-10-2001 at 08:58 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-21-2001
Very few versions of unix are left that allow suid scripts. Any version of unix that allows suid scripts has a serious security problem.

You need to look at a program called "sudo" that can allow non-root users to run scripts as root in a secure manner.
# 3  
Old 08-21-2001

A program called power Broker from Symark that willallow non-root users to run scripts as root in a secure manner
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