How to get failure notice message when email is not sent.

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Old 09-21-2011
How to get failure notice message when email is not sent.

I am using mailx command to send emails from the Unix command prompt. Whenever email is not sent it is not giving me any message "Email not sent" or failure delivery notice for the wrong email addresses. When I give correct email address I am able to receive them correctly.

Can anyone please help me.
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CALIBRE-SMTP(1) 						      calibre							   CALIBRE-SMTP(1)

calibre-smtp - part of calibre SYNOPSIS
calibre-smtp [options] [from to text] DESCRIPTION
Send mail using the SMTP protocol. calibre-smtp has two modes of operation. In the compose mode you specify from to and text and these are used to build and send an email message. In the filter mode, calibre-smtp reads a complete email message from STDIN and sends it. text is the body of the email message. If text is not specified, a complete email message is read from STDIN. from is the email address of the sender and to is the email address of the recipient. When a complete email is read from STDIN, from and to are only used in the SMTP negotiation, the message headers are not modified. Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-smtp that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. OPTIONS
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -l, --localhost Host name of localhost. Used when connecting to SMTP server. -o, --outbox Path to maildir folder to store failed email messages in. -f, --fork Fork and deliver message in background. If you use this option, you should also use --outbox to handle delivery failures. -t, --timeout Timeout for connection -v, --verbose Be more verbose COMPOSE MAIL Options to compose an email. Ignored if text is not specified -a, --attachment File to attach to the email -s, --subject Subject of the email SMTP RELAY Options to use an SMTP relay server to send mail. calibre will try to send the email directly unless --relay is specified. -r, --relay An SMTP relay server to use to send mail. --port Port to connect to on relay server. Default is to use 465 if encryption method is SSL and 25 otherwise. -u, --username Username for relay -p, --password Password for relay -e, --encryption-method Encryption method to use when connecting to relay. Choices are TLS and SSL. Default is TLS. SEE ALSO
The User Manual is available at Created by Kovid Goyal <> calibre-smtp (calibre 0.6.53) July 2010 CALIBRE-SMTP(1)