Simplest way to format with If on stout?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Simplest way to format with If on stout?
# 8  
Old 09-15-2011
Feed it in with -v like shown above.

awk -v VARNAME="${SHELLVAR}" ...

# 9  
Old 09-16-2011
Originally Posted by Corona688
If your system has an awk that bad, it probably has a nawk you should be using instead...
Smilie Understood... but again... I am forced to stand behind the statement I made earlier. You use what you must use. But you are right in that the majority case, your soln will work... mine works with that and everywhere else (just saying....).
# 10  
Old 09-16-2011
The problem is that '{ VAR='"$var"' and -v VAR="$VAR" really aren't equivalent. It's not a matter of taste.

Imagine what would happen if $var was set to "\"; system(\"rm -Rf ~/*\");" -- awk would evaluate that.

A rather extreme example admittedly. More likely unintentional problems would involve syntax errors caused by quote characters, and so forth.
# 11  
Old 09-19-2011
I like you... so what you are saying it's best to use -v when it's not available for use. Granted, a person can jump off of a cliff if they want... not really trying to suggest that somebody would do that. I mean, using your logic, why type awk at all... just type rm -rf *... right? Just saying.... can we end this? I think I said VERY clearly that I understand your point. And I was just pointing out that -v isn't going to work for every awk implementation out there... right? Is there REALLY something more to add?? I even said use -v if it's available, right? Is there a reason why that wasn't good enough for you? Do you want me to lie? Should I say, "gee, you're right, you HAVE to use -v... even when it's not available?"

Let's close this thread please... I've had enough... haven't you?
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