Problem with script status table

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Old 08-26-2011
Problem with script status table

I have a bunch of new, complex scripts that I'm running in Oracle via SQL*Plus under my UNIX account. In an attempt verify that various stages of the script have completed and to locate any errors I periodically toss in a statement such as

INSERT INTO status_run9 VALUES (SYSDATE,'Script_D15','Section 12 Completed',USER);
PROMPT Script_D15 Section 12 Completed

This then dumps status to an Oracle table (status_run9) and displays it to the screen -- it has worked quite well so far. Today I noticed that when the script finished running it sent a message to the screen but it did not enter a line in the table (status_run9) even though the PuTTY terminal showed “1 row created”. I tried manually entering the above INSERT and PROMPT statements a few times - nothing appeared in the table but I would get a “1 row created” message and PROMPT output each time. I closed UNIX down and rechecked the table once more (using straight-up SQL*Plus under Oracle - as I had done previously during the day) and voila - a number of entries appear that should have (in my opinion) appeared about 10 minutes before.

It seems that UNIX is reporting that the Oracle table is updated when Oracle doesn't yet have the information ... or that Oracle doesn't write to the table when the PuTTY terminal indicates that it does. Does it do that? Is there a way to “force” the entry to appear in the Oracle table when the “1 row created” message appears? Ideally I'd like to have several people monitoring script progress by refreshing an SQL*Plus window periodically but if the last status doesn't properly post it will have much less value to us.

Any help is appreciated - thanks!
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