combine two greps

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers combine two greps
# 1  
Old 08-19-2011
Question combine two greps


Syntax 1:
/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l

Syntax 2:
 ps -ef | grep wls[a]dmin | grep -v "grep" | wc -l

I need to combine both the above syntax and get 2+3 i.e. 5 as the resultant output.

What's the simplest way to achieve this ?
# 2  
Old 08-19-2011
a=`/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l`
b=`ps -ef | grep wls[a]dmin | grep -v "grep" | wc -l`
echo $(($a+$b))

In bash you can use just $((a+b)). And of course you do not need to use variables but they improve readability.
# 3  
Old 08-19-2011

Originally Posted by yazu
a=`/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l`
b=`ps -ef | grep wls[a]dmin | grep -v "grep" | wc -l`
echo $(($a+$b))

In bash you can use just $((a+b)). And of course you do not need to use variables but they improve readability.
Can i embed this in the profile as I

su - wlsuser

it should automatically set variables a and b so that i just need to echo $(($a+$b)) to get output.

As i am naive would like to know where and how can this be set.

Also, I do not have root access.
# 4  
Old 08-19-2011
Well... Yes. But it's better use some more descriptive names (usually in uppercase) and export them. Add something like this in your profile:
export APACHE_N

But these values will be constant. Maybe it's better to use aliases:
alias ca='/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l'
alias pw='ps -ef | grep wls[a]dmin | grep -v "grep" | wc -l'

echo $((`ca`+`pw`))

It will work only on the command line not in scripts.
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# 5  
Old 08-19-2011
unrelated to the orginal question but here is a better way to write the first statement. avoids invoking the wc program.

/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l
/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep -c apache22
---------- Post updated at 08:14 ---------- Previous update was at 08:13 ----------

Originally Posted by shifahim
Can i embed this in the profile as I

su - wlsuser

it should automatically set variables a and b so that i just need to echo $(($a+$b)) to get output.

As i am naive would like to know where and how can this be set.

Also, I do not have root access.
no - you can not use su without a password unless your root. For what your are doing root is not required. If it was you could use sudo.
# 6  
Old 08-19-2011

As i said i do not know much about this.

Below is what i did.

Does not look like i have privileges or do i ?


ls -ltr .profile
-rw-------   1 wlsuser root          25 Oct 20  2009 .profile

uid=870(wlsuser) gid=641(wlsgrp)

groups wlsuser
wlsgrp webgrp webgroup ndm wlsuser httpd

Can you please help me with the detailed steps ?

---------- Post updated at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:15 AM ----------

no - you can not use su without a password unless your root. For what your are doing root is not required. If it was you could use sudo.
Thats not a problem. I am providing the password as well. Setting this automatically is my concern.

---------- Post updated at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:19 AM ----------

Originally Posted by yazu
Well... Yes. But it's better use some more descriptive names (usually in uppercase) and export them. Add something like this in your profile:
export APACHE_N

But these values will be constant. Maybe it's better to use aliases:
alias ca='/usr/bin/svcs -a |grep apache22 | wc -l'
alias pw='ps -ef | grep wls[a]dmin | grep -v "grep" | wc -l'

echo $((`ca`+`pw`))

It will work only on the command line not in scripts.
echo $pw
return blank


 echo $((`ca`+`pw`))
bash: ./1: Permission denied
bash: 51: command not found
bash: +: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "+")

I am on bash and

uname -a
SunOS mymachine 5.10 Generic_144488-07 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220

Yes, I need the value to change dynamically and not be constant as some processes might get killed post su - wlsuser
# 7  
Old 08-19-2011
Save a process and some overhead by eliminating the "grep -v grep". Use this construct instead:
ps -ef|grep [s]earchstring

This matches "searchstring" but not itself.
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