scp command solaris to windows

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# 1  
Old 08-12-2011
Question scp command solaris to windows

Can I use scp command to throw a file from my Solaris box to Windows under this path "C:\work\SSL" ?

If so, Please help me with a syntax.

Also help me with any alternatives I can try.

Solaris ----> Windows [only one way].
# 2  
Old 08-12-2011
mount the windows share path in solaris and copy the file to your windows share path

Solaris / OpenSolaris Mount Windows Shared (CIFS)
# 3  
Old 08-12-2011
Not without a SSH server running on the Windows box, which is far from being the default.
Alternative: Create a share on the Windows box, and mount it locally on the Solaris machine.
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