9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
Dear All,
I am trying to compile OpenFOAM-1.7.x in RHEL. I could not able to compile some of the applications because of libc version issues.
It is saying
undefined reference to memcpy@GLIBC_2.14
Can anybody look into it?
Thanks & Regards,
linuxUser_ (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: linuxUser_
3 Replies
2. Homework & Coursework Questions
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
The problem is a function which i typed although it kept saying that it is a undefined reference still. other... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: mgyeah
1 Replies
3. Homework & Coursework Questions
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
i know when undefined reference shows up the program is saying it is not link to that function but the problem... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: mgyeah
1 Replies
4. Programming
Hi guys.
H was learning posix threads in C with anjuta IDE. it gives me
undefined reference to `pthread_create'
I know i should compile it like:
gcc -lpthread main.c
how should i import this configuration in anjuta so i can compile inside it? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: majid.merkava
2 Replies
5. Programming
Hi, i want to compile a code where fortran calls c . First I compiled C module ,it has pass by gcc. However, after generating .o file. I compiled C and fortran files together by intel fortran and it failed " undefined reference to 'vicerror'". vicerror is a function. I do not know why. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: austinhsu
1 Replies
6. Programming
when i compile my program, i meet the following error:
undefined reference to `__ctype_b'
anybody knows which shared library should be linked during make?
thanks a lot! (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: princelinux
6 Replies
7. Programming
I wanted to learn communication between threads and I used a simple example but
I faced with this error while I have a sofware that uses this functions without
any problem
so would you please help me to know the reason
thanks for your help and great favor.
#include <pthread.h>... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: netman
2 Replies
8. Programming
I m writting code in c using another library(parapin) and making Makefile .but there is a error like
undefined reference to `sinf'
undefined reference to `ceilf'
although i have added math.h library in my code
. I tried to run simple programme using math.h
and it run.but in making Makefile it... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: bharat suthar
2 Replies
9. Programming
plz help me out with this error,
i am getting this error when i compile my code with gcc.
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/../../../crt1.o(.text+0x18): In function `_start':
: undefined reference to `main'
/tmp/cciLxqdV.o(.text+0x3c): In function `HandleUserTransaction()':... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: svh
2 Replies
pthread_cond_wait -- wait on a condition variable
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex);
The pthread_cond_wait() function atomically unlocks the mutex and blocks the current thread on the condition specified by the cond argument.
The current thread unblocks only after another thread calls pthread_cond_signal(3) or pthread_cond_broadcast(3) with the same condition vari-
able. The mutex must be locked before calling this function, otherwise the behavior is undefined. Before pthread_cond_wait() returns to the
calling function, it re-acquires the mutex.
If successful, the pthread_cond_wait() function will return zero; otherwise, an error number will be returned to indicate the error.
pthread_cond_wait() will fail if:
[EINVAL] The value specified by cond or the value specified by mutex is invalid.
pthread_cond_broadcast(3), pthread_cond_destroy(3), pthread_cond_init(3), pthread_cond_signal(3), pthread_cond_timedwait(3)
pthread_cond_wait() conforms to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1'').
Darwin November 5, 2001 Darwin