Hi All,
Can some one pls explain the order in which the startup files are run?
For Bourne shell .profile is run., But what other startup files are present?
When is the .aliases file called.
"what car do you have?" "blue"
"what shell do you have?" "bourne"
Knowing you have a mac tells me you have bash, otherwise we'd have to guess.
From man bash:
Also, /etc/profile and so forth are all script files, not just dumb settings files. It's entirely possible for them to tell the shell to source other files too.
Intializing USB controller (usb-uhci);Hint;insmod errors can be caused by in correct module parameters, including invailid IO or IRQ parsmeter
lib /modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/drivers /usb-uhci.o:insmod/lib/modules/2.4.7/10/kernel/driverd/usb/usb-uhci.o failed
Checking... (6 Replies)
I copied the script from an AskUbuntu post -
# Provides: tomcat7
# Required-Start: $network
# Required-Stop: $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start/Stop Tomcat server
... (14 Replies)
I was going through a server hardening manual.
At some interval it was mentioned that there should not be any alias for commands defined in roots startup files .
How would i check it? (3 Replies)
I need to load an exe in startup of unix server.
Can any one tell me how can i configure that particular exe to start after boot-up.
Thanks (1 Reply)
I need to make a script to start the postfix service on a server when the machine starts up.
I have a script written below, which I think will work, but I am confused on how the rc2.d & rc3.d etc directories actually work.
If I enter the script below, and stick it in the rc3.d directory,... (1 Reply)
Sorry for the newbie question. I'm using OSX BSD by remotely logging in and need to re-initialize the startup sequence but don't want to reboot the machine. How can I do it?
Thanks for any help. (3 Replies)