Adding new Ethernet cards

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# 1  
Old 07-27-2001
Adding new Ethernet cards

Hi there,
I just installed a Sparc 4-port Ethernet adapter on my sparc 10 and was wondering how on earth I find out what the names of the ports are. It looks like on startup that on SBus1 there is something called qec qe qe qe qe. So I tried to do an IFCONFIG qe0...but had no success. Can anyone out there help me out. I am trying to load CheckPOint NG on my Solaris 2.6 machine and this is putting a damper on my installation.

# 2  
Old 07-27-2001
Oh yeah...and the machine cam with an integrated ethernet port which is le0...obviously i tried le1 le2 and so on, but that isn't it either.
# 3  
Old 07-28-2001

Try man qe or man qec. That may give you some pointers... If you get multiple man pages for each, read them all... I saw something in the online man pages about /dev/qe.........
# 4  
Old 07-30-2001
do a "ifconfig -a" to see all network-devices installed

if you see a long líst you can find out the ports of the quad-card by 4 mac-adresses which are nearly the same ... also I'm not to sure if they aren't numbered with a,b,c,d ... saw that on a quad-card the other day but don't know if it was on a sun

If you only see your internal networkcard and the loopback-devices than you have to install the quad-card-driver ... there is a cd with the card ... and you have to install that ( as far as I can remember)
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