show duplicates in unix

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# 1  
Old 11-04-2009
show duplicates in unix

Hi, im a new member. Nice to meet you!

I have a question, if someone could help me, ill really apreciate. It would make my daily work easier. Smilie

i want to make a depth search of files in /log which the first 4 characters duplicate and with .kur extension.



In this case i would like this on screen:


im new in unix , ive tried this:

find /log . -name *.kur | uniq -d -w 4

but it dosent seem to work, but if i go into a directory that has duplicates it works with

ls | uniq -d -w 4

Why the first command dosent work?

Sorry for my terrible english, i try my best.

Edit: Sorry i just saw theres a "UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers" forum. Could someone move this thread there? Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Master00; 11-04-2009 at 07:55 PM.. Reason: wrong forum
# 2  
Old 11-04-2009
no dot in your command.

find /log -name *.kur | uniq -d -w 4

# 3  
Old 11-05-2009
Thanks for your answer but it dosent work. It stops searching in 10 sec and it gives only 1 result when theres a lot of duplicates in diferent directorys and that result it isnt even duplicated.

if i go directly to a directory that has duplicates with a ls | uniq -d -w 4 works fine. I want to do a complete search in /log.

thanks in advance

---------- Post updated at 07:52 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:47 AM ----------

Just found what is happening, if i do -w 4 it reads the first 4 characters of the full path. How can i do so it reads the first 4 characters from the file name?

---------- Post updated at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:52 AM ----------

nevermind , i have it. Thanks Smilie
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