Cut not working in a loop

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# 1  
Old 11-03-2009
Cut not working in a loop

I have a function "MyPrint" that runs great on a file (BaseData.txt) that has one line of data. If i add rows to the text file it's reading the tFile variable becomes a list of every field 2 in the file. To correct this, i tried to call the function from a loop where i read one line at a time and pass the line to the function. >>>The problem is when i try to cut the variable containing the $line0 I get an error cannot open...then it gives the proper value the first field in the line i'm trying to cut. It repeats this cannot open line for each column in the $line0 printing proper values.

I've seen other posts like this but none of the solutions have worked for me. Completely at a loss for new ideas desperate for help!

BaseData.txt has 2 rows:
hsun test1a.sas7bdat 8269135872 7.70123
hsun test1a2.sas7bdat 8269135872 7.70123

function FindPath3 {
 find /u03/hsun -name ${1} 
function MyPrint {   
tfile=`cut -f2 -d ' ' ${1}`
#tfile= `echo ${1} |cut -f2 -d ' '`
echo $tfile
print `cut -f1,2,3,4 -d ' ' ${1}`, `FindPath3 ${tfile}` > /home/kemard/Test3_OP.txt
#MyPrint /u03/kemard/BaseData.txt 
  while read line0
     #MyPrint ${line0}
     lineValue2=`cut -f2 -d ' ' ${line0}`
     echo "line value 1 is: ${lineValue1}"
     echo "line value 2 is: `cut -f2 -d ' ' ${lineValue1}` "
     #echo "line value 2 is: ${lineValue2}"
     #cut -f1,2,3,4 -d ' ' ${line0} > /home/kemard/Test3_OP.txt
 done < /u03/kemard/BaseData.txt

# 2  
Old 11-03-2009
The syntax in this commented-out line is along the right lines but needed to preserve spaces in ${1}.
#tfile= `echo "${1}" |cut -f2 -d ' '`
In this line (and many similar lines in the script) program "cut" is expecting ${line0} to contain a filename not a string ... hence "cannot open".
lineValue2=`cut -f2 -d ' ' ${line0}`
I think that this will be an improvement:
lineValue2=`echo "${line0}"|cut -f2 -d ' '`

Then apply the same syntax shift to other similar lines.

By the way, neither of the two functions in the script are actually executed but we can see that most of the code is in the while loop.

You will need to preserve spaces whenever there is more than one field. Though there is little point in copying ${line0}, this line needs quotes.

What is the expected output of the script?

Last edited by methyl; 11-03-2009 at 01:27 PM..
# 3  
Old 11-04-2009
Thank you so much for helping. I'm still having problems but the additional quotes were very insiteful, wierd but insiteful. I was able to cut in teh loop but I was never able to send the line to the function. That is ok however because i was able to get each field from the string as if it was awk $1,$2,etc..

However, my call to the FindPath3 function is now broken and i have no idea why. It gets called but the ${1} is blank/ i've tried several different formats with the quotes with the parameter and echo statement but no luck. Any more ideas. I realize there are possibly other ways to accomplish my task, but my objective is to learn how to pass these parameters in the functions as well as achieve the end result. I'll need this ability for other code.

function FindPath3 {
echo "here: ${1}"
 find /u03/hsun -name ${1} 
function MyPrint {   
tfile=`echo "${2}"`
 echo "tfile in myprint: ${2}"
 tPath= `FindPath3 test1a2.sas7bdat`
print $1,$2,$3,$4,$tPath > /home/kemard/Test3_OP.txt
 while read line0
     #echo "$line0"
     MyPrint $line0
   done < /u03/kemard/BaseData.txt

BTW, in order to get the cut to work i had to use the quotes and feed the cut with a pipe rather than pass it from the right side:
 ## lineValue3=`echo "${line0}" | cut -f2 -d ' ' `

# 4  
Old 11-05-2009
Not looked deeply because I am unclear what the expected output of the script is.

There is an extra space character in this line:
tPath= `FindPath3 test1a2.sas7bdat`
When assigning values to variables there is never a space character either side of the equals sign.

tPath=`FindPath3 test1a2.sas7bdat`

# 5  
Old 11-05-2009

Methyl, thank you so much i never would have considered a space - !!!!!!! My code finally runs - thanks to you.
The object of the code was to find files over 1 gig write to a file then loop through the file, sending the file names to the find function, return the file location, Print it all out to a text file. It could be done differently w/less code but this syntax was really important to me. I still don't understand 2 things
1. In the final code sending the $Line0 to the my print, this was a string not a line. I could not use cut on this. Why is it a string not a line?
2. In the findPath3 function, I played around a lot with the syndax, why did i have to use the back ticks the way i did. I originally tried the line below but it returned nothing.
echo"`find /u03/hsun -name ${1}`"

function CreateT1 {
 ls -lR ${2} | sort +2 | awk ' $5 > 1073741824 {print $3, $9, $5, $5/1073741824}' > ${1}
function FindPath3 {
 `echo find /u03/hsun -name ${1}`
function MyPrint {   
tfile=`echo "${2}"`
 tPath=`FindPath3 ${2}`
 echo "tpath: $tPath"
print $1,$2,$3,$4,$tPath >> /home/kemard/Test3_OP.txt

#####Code Body######
CreateT1 /u03/kemard/BaseData.txt /u03/hsun
 while read line0
       MyPrint $line0
   done < /u03/kemard/BaseData.txt

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