sendmail message body buffer limit?

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# 1  
Old 07-06-2001
sendmail message body buffer limit?

when sending the contents of a ascii file to the body of an email then sending it off. it seems sendmail is breaking up the lines with a "!" thus ruining the data. Has this ever happened to anyone?

i am guessing there is a line buffer limit in either the mail command or in sendmail itself.

Does anyone know how to alter this buffer?

it is 992 charters w/ spaces. the 992 charter is a "!"
# 2  
Old 07-06-2001
Found it. in the file. didnt quite know what to look for but it had to be in the mailer properties.

###   SMTP Mailer specification   ###

#####  @(#)smtp.m4      8.38 (Berkeley) 5/19/1998  #####

Msmtp,          P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
                A=IPC $h
Mesmtp,         P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
                A=IPC $h
Msmtp8,         P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX8, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
                A=IPC $h
Mrelay,         P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa8, S=11/31, R=61, E=\r\n, L=2040,
                A=IPC $h

# 3  
Old 10-04-2001
Email buffer

I have the same problem. I wondered how you solved the body buffer size limit. I am sending XML message in the body and after a given amount of characters the "!" appears. Can you help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

Twan Rekkers
# 4  
Old 10-04-2001
you see the line that is marked L=# well that is a charter count per line.

If you break the lines down to less then what is stated in the allowed length you wont have this problem.
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