Moving bookmarks from XP to Ubuntu

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# 1  
Old 08-06-2009
Question Moving bookmarks from XP to Ubuntu

This is probably one of the dumber questions I've posted on ANY Linux forum, but I'm in a fog and can't answer it myself. My attempts at searching the forums go no where.

I have Win XP and Ubuntu dual booting (via WUBI install). I want to use the Ubuntu side more but I've socked away a LOT of Linux-related bookmarks in Firefox that I want available when using Linux + Firefox.

Can I just cp the files from the /host directory to the Linux directory and, if so, where in tarnation does Firefox store them? If I could simply find them, I'd just try this on my own to see if it worked.
# 2  
Old 08-07-2009
you can use a firefox plugin like "xmarks" to sync your bookmarks to everywhere...
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