Testing Var for 3 digits in a row only

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# 1  
Old 07-31-2009
Testing Var for 3 digits in a row only


I want to test a var, $inputPin to see if is 3 digits in a row or not in a Bash script.
I am getting stuck on the regex to do this.
And the equality test if it is in an if statement as below?
-ne is for comparing numbers
But I guess it would be != in this case
if [$inputPin !=  [[0-9]\{3,3\]}]

Simple for someone I'm sure. But I am stumped.


# 2  
Old 07-31-2009
You can't put a regular expression into a string comparison like that, you have to use a regular expression operator:

if [[ "$STR" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ ]]
    echo "Three digits"

Note that this will ONLY work in bash, not ksh or anything, since only bash has regex support like this. You could also do it with case, which should work in more shells:

 case "$STR" in
        echo "Three digits"

# 3  
Old 07-31-2009

if [[ ! $inputPin =~ "[0-9]{3,3}" ]]

# 4  
Old 07-31-2009
Thanks to all for posting.

Have ended up using this code, corona688's for time being.
if [[ "$STR" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ ]]
    echo "Three digits"

if [[ ! $inputPin =~ "[0-9]{3,3}" ]]

Didn't seem to work for me. Returned ?

But thanks anyway.


# 5  
Old 07-31-2009
Originally Posted by de_la_espada
if [[ ! $inputPin =~ "[0-9]{3,3}" ]]

Didn't seem to work for me. Returned ?
You can't put quotes around a BASH regex. And without the ^ and $ it would match 000a, a000, a000a, and so forth.
# 6  
Old 08-01-2009
Note that this will ONLY work in bash, not ksh or anything, since only bash has regex support like this.
Works perfectly well with ksh93 although the more common way is as follows
if [[ $STR == {3}([[:digit:]]) ]]
    print "Three digits"

# 7  
Old 08-01-2009
Originally Posted by Corona688
You can't put quotes around a BASH regex. And without the ^ and $ it would match 000a, a000, a000a, and so forth.
With the quotes it works fine for me with bash!

Any way, to match exact 3 digits (without quotesSmilie):

if [[ $zz =~ ^[0-9]{3,3}$ ]]
    echo "Three digits"

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