Backing Up and Emailing Home Directory and SQL Databases

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# 8  
Old 08-04-2009
MySQL backup : Look at my first script
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SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL(3pm)

SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL - MySQL-specific producer for SQL::Translator SYNOPSIS
Use via SQL::Translator: use SQL::Translator; my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => '...', producer => 'MySQL', '...' ); $t->translate; DESCRIPTION
This module will produce text output of the schema suitable for MySQL. There are still some issues to be worked out with syntax differences between MySQL versions 3 and 4 ("SET foreign_key_checks," character sets for fields, etc.). ARGUMENTS
This producer takes a single optional producer_arg "mysql_version", which provides the desired version for the target database. By default MySQL v3 is assumed, and statements pertaining to any features introduced in later versions (e.g. CREATE VIEW) are not produced. Valid version specifiers for "mysql_version" are listed here Table Types Normally the tables will be created without any explicit table type given and so will use the MySQL default. Any tables involved in foreign key constraints automatically get a table type of InnoDB, unless this is overridden by setting the "mysql_table_type" extra attribute explicitly on the table. Extra attributes. The producer recognises the following extra attributes on the Schema objects. field.list Set the list of allowed values for Enum fields. field.binary, field.unsigned, field.zerofill Set the MySQL field options of the same name. field.renamed_from, table.renamed_from Use when producing diffs to indicate that the current table/field has been renamed from the old name as given in the attribute value. table.mysql_table_type Set the type of the table e.g. 'InnoDB', 'MyISAM'. This will be automatically set for tables involved in foreign key constraints if it is not already set explicitly. See "Table Types". Please note that the "ENGINE" option is the preferred method of specifying the MySQL storage engine to use, but this method still works for backwards compatibility. table.mysql_charset, table.mysql_collate Set the tables default charater set and collation order. field.mysql_charset, field.mysql_collate Set the fields charater set and collation order. SEE ALSO
SQL::Translator, AUTHORS
darren chamberlain <>, Ken Youens-Clark <>. perl v5.14.2 2012-01-18 SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL(3pm)