rlogin - licenses

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Old 07-28-2009
rlogin - licenses

I was just wondering
When a rlogin occurs does it use a "user license" on the host system ?
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rlogin(1c)																rlogin(1c)

       rlogin - remote login

       rlogin rhost [-ec] [-8] [-L] [-l username]
       rhost [-ec] [-8] [-L] [-l username]

       The command connects your terminal on the current local host system, lhost, to the remote host system, rhost.

       Each  host  has	a  file  which contains a list of rhosts with which it shares account names.  The host names must be the standard names as
       described in When you use the command to login as the same user on an equivalent host, you do not need to specify a password.

       You can also have a private equivalence list in a file .rhosts in your login directory.	Each line in this file should  contain	the  rhost
       name and a username separated by a space, giving additional cases where logins without passwords are permitted.	If the originating user is
       not equivalent to the remote user, then the remote system prompts for a login and password as in

       To avoid security problems, the .rhosts file must be owned by either the remote user or root and it may not be a symbolic link.

       Your remote terminal type is the same as your local terminal type, which is specified  by  your	environment  TERM  variable.   Except  for
       delays,	all  echoing takes place at the remote site so the rlogin is transparent.  Flow control by and <CTRL/Q>, and flushing of input and
       output on interrupts are handled properly.  The optional argument -8 allows an eight-bit input data path at all times.	Otherwise,  parity
       bits are stripped except when the remote site's stop and start characters are other than and <CTRL/Q>.  A tilde followed by a dot (~.) on a
       separate line disconnects from the remote host, where the tilde (~) is the escape character.  Similarly, a tilde followed  by  <CTRL/Z>	(~
       <CTRL/Z>), where is the suspend character, suspends the rlogin session.

       Substitution  of  the  delayed-suspend  character,  which  is normally <CTRL/Y>, for the suspend character suspends the send portion of the
       rlogin, but allows output from the remote system.  A different escape character may be specified by the -e option.  There is no space sepa-
       rating this option flag and the argument character.

       -8		   Allows an 8-bit input data path at all times.

       -ec		   Uses the specified character as the escape character.  If not specified, uses a tilde (~).

       -l username	   Logs you in as the specified user, not as your user login name.

       -L		   Runs session in litout mode.

       /usr/hosts/*	   for rhost version of the command

See Also
