I got a old RX 7640 from HP. It hast 2 Cell Bords an four internal disks.
I inserted an old compatible DVD.
after powering on the system I only see the disks attached to Cell 0. the DVD and the lower Disks missing.
I found out that the second Cell is not assigned to the Partition.
But I found no way to make the assigment. I should go into the MFG mode or it is an invalid security mode is shown.
I habe the admin permissions and there are no higher permissions to find.
How could i step into the MFG mode? I found a document with a prompt like fms1:/ how can I got there
Is there a utility partition I could mount?
but I know this dokument in many versions. The most usefull commands are on OS Level but I still have no os running :-(
I drives me grazy if I using the related commands on the MP I got a message that the security level ist not correct or that I have to switch to MFG mode.
I am installing RX7640 and i have some issue with the memory modules. My system shows them as deconfigured.
Do you think I use the right memories? (2 Replies)