Porting of Windows written unix scripts to unix platform

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# 8  
Old 10-02-2002
Re: Porting of Windows written unix scripts to unix platform

During ftp porting I set the transfer mode as ASCII for the script files where I ported files individually.Then there is no such problem.

But when we go for folder transfer where the folder has the script files dumped the problem comes again where the space is inserted with ^M at the end of lines...


Why dont u try setting the transfer mode to binary.

Perhaps, it might help !!

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ESD(1)							     Enlightened Sound Daemon							    ESD(1)

esd - The Enlightened Sound Daemon DESCRIPTION
Starts up EsounD, which provides a sound mixing server. USAGE
esd [options] -d DEVICE force esd to use sound device DEVICE -b run server in 8 bit sound mode -r RATE run server at sample rate of RATE -as SECS free audio device after SECS of inactivity -unix use unix domain sockets instead of tcp/ip -tcp use tcp/ip sockets instead of unix domain -public make tcp/ip access public (other than localhost) -promiscuous start unlocked and owned (disable authentication) -terminate terminate esd daemone after last client exits -nobeeps do not play startup beeps -port PORT listen for connections at PORT (only for tcp/ip) Possible devices are: /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp2, etc. FILES
/etc/esound/esd.conf daemon configuration file SEE ALSO
esdcat(1), esddsp(1), esdloop(1), esdplay(1), esdsample(1), esd-config(1), esdctl(1), esdfilt(1), esdmon(1), esdrec(1) 3rd Berkeley Distribution EsounD 0.2.28 ESD(1)