Another SSH help needed

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# 1  
Old 05-24-2002
Question Another SSH help needed

Hi all...

After doing a
$ ssh server uname

I get the following:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I have never seen this before...What does this mean?


# 2  
Old 05-24-2002
Try this - got it from

Your version may be different or it may be different on your OS (which you didn't post)

My SSH client connects, but the server seems to immediately close the connection. I get "connection closed" or "connection lost," or with OpenSSH:
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

This message means that the client got a TCP connection to the server, but the server immediately closed it before the SSH protocol could get started (the ssh_exchange_identification routine implements the version string exchange, the initial step of the protocol).
This usually happens because of a libwrap setting which prohibits the connection. Check the server log; if this is the problem, you will see messages like these:

SSH1, OpenSSH sshd1[15092]: refused connect from
SSH2 sshd2[15085]: Denied connection from by tcp wrappers.
If you compiled the SSH server with libwrap (TCP-wrappers) support, check that the rules in the files /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} on the server host allow connection to the SSH daemon. An entry like this, for example, will allow connections to sshd from any source address:
sshd sshd1 sshd2 : ALL : ALLOW

The name on the left must be the argv[0] value of the running daemon, so if you've invoked sshd under another name, you'll need to use that. Also, the rules are order-dependent, so the rule just given might not work, depending on the other rules and their relative placement. See the hosts_access(5) man page for details on the libwrap rule syntax and semantics.
# 3  
Old 05-24-2002

This helped me...
I also found out that the server in question denies almost all remote connections, except console... That was my problem...

Thanx anyways...

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