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# 8  
Old 04-09-2002
I was looking for the Linux source code.
Thanks your your help.
I am looking to create a small operating system just as a small hobby.
I will post a message when I feel I have something that is worth showing.
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UUID_COMPARE(3) 						    Libuuid API 						   UUID_COMPARE(3)

uuid_compare - compare whether two UUIDs are the same SYNOPSIS
#include <uuid/uuid.h> int uuid_compare(uuid_t uu1, uuid_t uu2) DESCRIPTION
The uuid_compare function compares the two supplied uuid variables uu1 and uu2 to each other. RETURN VALUE
Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if uu1 is found, respectively, to be lexigraphically less than, equal, or greater than uu2. AUTHOR
libuuid is part of the util-linux package since version 2.15.1 and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/. SEE ALSO
uuid(3), uuid_clear(3), uuid_copy(3), uuid_generate(3), uuid_is_null(3), uuid_parse(3), uuid_unparse(3) util-linux May 2009 UUID_COMPARE(3)