Linux Multipathing Enhancement

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# 1  
Old 01-15-2008
Question Linux Multipathing Enhancement

We are searching for DEVICE MAPPER TABLE FORMAT and how to access it through user space??
We are working on enhancement in multipatrhing as 1] scalable path testing 2] event mechanism 3] i/o load sharing.
So we need to access device info as well as all paths to that device, devices status,paths status etc. So we want to know how we can access all these things via device-mapper table. What are dm-table attributes etc !!!

We are using : Linux - 2.6.22
Purpose : as mentioned above.
Thnx a lot for your interest!!!
We are in great need!!!
Plzzz help us....!! Smilie

Last edited by rajaryan99; 01-17-2008 at 11:12 AM.. Reason: To elaborate problem definition
# 2  
Old 01-16-2008
Here's a generic answer to your question, can you post more details like OS, purpose, etc.
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