specifing range....

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# 1  
Old 10-19-2007
specifing range....

i want to create file which will be executed in sqlplus
so consider there are abc[1-100] tables and i want count from all the tables now i used for loop for this for eg.
for name in dayj dptm tfj{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} tfx{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
    echo "select count(*) from $name;" >> night_file.sql

but how can i specify only range like tfj[1-100] ??
# 2  
Old 10-19-2007
Originally Posted by zedex
but how can i specify only range like tfj[1-100] ??
zsh, bash and ksh93 have brace expansion:

% printf "select count(1) from tfg%d;\n" {1..10}
select count(1) from tfg1;
select count(1) from tfg2;
select count(1) from tfg3;
select count(1) from tfg4;
select count(1) from tfg5;
select count(1) from tfg6;
select count(1) from tfg7;
select count(1) from tfg8;
select count(1) from tfg9;
select count(1) from tfg10;

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