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# 15  
Old 01-11-2002
8 Gig of RAM - 99% is used
27 Gig of swap space - 35% is used
Sounds like you need (at minimum) an additional of 4 Gigs of RAM and 8 Gigs would be better (if you plan to keep the same processes running on the platform!!)

I like Perderabo's suggestion of getting your vendor to let you use the memory and record the performance results. Present this to management...... if you find that it helps (it should).

Your next choice is to move processes (TBD) to another platform... and this might be much more expensive and have less desirable performance (can't say much since we don't know all the details of what's running.... just Oracle? different applications? same application? etc.??)

RAM ...... or distribute to another platform!!!!
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Jajuk(1)						      General Commands Manual							  Jajuk(1)

Jajuk - advanced jukebox and music organizer DESCRIPTION
Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections. FEATURES
* Digital DJ: Let Jajuk make your programmation based on your own rules * Ambience management: ask for a soft playlist in two clicks maximum! * Configurable cross-fade * Recursive play/repeat/shuffle/push in directories/sub-directories or by genre/artist/ albums * Best Of smart function to play your favourite tracks * Novelties smart function to play your collection newest albums * Continue smart function to continue in current album after a shuffle selection * Push into player queue * Planned tracks: forsee your selection * Various startup modes: none, last one, last one keep position, specified, shuffle, novelties, bestof * Intro from a track position and specified length * Shuffle in entire collection * Repeat, shuffle, intro, fast forward/rewind, mute... HOMEPAGE AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Varun Hiremath <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). December 7, 2006 Jajuk(1)