I am part of the group group1. The directory permission I am trying to cd into are 770 for both the parent directory and child directory but I still can not cd into. What am I doing wrong?
Part of the pathname is "NAS". Can I assume that is Network Attached Storage"?? If so, what is that device??
Usually when working with NAS (especially Windows based NAS) the access rights that you get are the lesser of the NAS rights and the Unix/Linux rights. For example, Windows has a right to "list the contents" which, if set against you on the parent directory, will stop you entering the subdirectory.
So have you considered that the problem may not lay with the Linux system at all.
Did you try to cd into that directory as root for troubleshooting purposes?
Yes I did. It works fine that way.
Originally Posted by hicksd8
Part of the pathname is "NAS". Can I assume that is Network Attached Storage"?? If so, what is that device??
Usually when working with NAS (especially Windows based NAS) the access rights that you get are the lesser of the NAS rights and the Unix/Linux rights. For example, Windows has a right to "list the contents" which, if set against you on the parent directory, will stop you entering the subdirectory.
So have you considered that the problem may not lay with the Linux system at all.
It is NFS. Would changing the sticky bit help? I tried 2770 but that did not help either.
What exactly is the device/system that is serving this NFS handle?
If it is another Unix/Linux system try (temporarily) setting the rights on the shared directory, and possible sub-directories to 777 to see if that fixes it.
As Don said, an in-bound NFS request has to pass security on the NFS server.
In the following output you can see the the user "richard" is a member on the team/group "developers":
# id richard
uid=10247(richard) gid=100361(developers) groups=100361(developers),10053(testers)
but in the following details of the said group (developers), the said user... (3 Replies)
i have a directory like this:
i want to get the subpaths:
subpath= a/b
subpath= a/b/c
i can get the user like
echo $fulldirectory |awk -F/ '{print $3}'
but im not sure how to get the rest of it after public_html
any ideas?... (3 Replies)
How can I write a script that determines the directory the user is in, and displays that path up until a particular point?
Specifically, I need to find the text "packages" in the directory name, then I need to capture that directory and the one below it.
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Need awk help to group and print lines to format the output as shown below
set echo on
set heading on
set spool on
/* SCHEMA1 */ CREATE TABLE T5;... (5 Replies)
A simple and silly question on Unix.
I have a directory named "a" and I would like to grant permission to group name "text" to access, read and execute my directory.
Could anyone help me?
Thanks. (2 Replies)
On my FTP server (Darwin/Mac OS X -- pretty much FreeBSD), I need to apply the following permissions to a directory:
1. A specific owner with full access
2. A specific group with full access
3. A specific group with read-only access
4. No access whatsoever for everyone else
I understand... (5 Replies)