Need help with trap

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Need help with trap
# 1  
Old 10-17-2001
Question Need help with trap

My problem is this:

I need to have a catch-all for my processes. An example would be, using a trap, in the parent, to catch any non-0 exit or invalid command (a way to catch core dumps would be cool, too) in not only the parent, but it's children and they're children. Not only that, but I also have to be able to have the same functionalith on anything that the parent or children dot in (functions containted in seperate files). Currently I can only get the trap to operate correctly on one level - parent/child. Also, it doesn't seem like I can create some sort of trap function in a seperate trapfuncs file and have it work. I dot it in and it never sees anything go wrong.

I'd really appreciate any help I could get on this. I'm stuck and can't figure this out for the life of me. I know one of gurus out there must have the answer. P.S. I'm open to any alternatives that don't mean putting blocks of code in every sinlge script and file.

# 2  
Old 10-17-2001
A bit more information would help...

What flavor of UNIX?
Is this a shell script or C program?
If shell script, what shell (sh, ksh, bash, csh)?

In shell's such as bash and ksh, if you execute another
shell script, a new shell is spawned to execute it and
your "trap"s are set to their original values when a child process
is created.

In general, child processes that dump core should return
the value of 127+signal

I don't know if any of this helps but if you can provide more
details of what you have, maybe I (and others) can be of more
help. Smilie
# 3  
Old 10-17-2001
I'm running on AIX, model 000111924C00 (if it helps at all), and when I do a uname -v I get 4. I think we may be running an IBM version or something because 4 seems really low. I'm primarily concerned with shell scripts (all are ksh and dtksh) with minor concerns for C, C++ and COBOL. The minor concers are very minor, though.

I'm not sure how I would trap a value of 127. I thought I could only trap 1-15 and ERR. Would ERR catch the 127?

I hope that this info helps. Please let me know if I can help clear anything up. I really appreciate the help.
# 4  
Old 10-17-2001
OK. AIX and ksh helps my understanding.
If you run... kill -l
...on AIX 4.3.3 you get some 40 distinct signals
you can trap.
The ERR trap will fire whenever a command has
a non-zero return value. Note that this trap
is not inheritied by functions. And of course,
if you execute another shell script, a new shell is spawned to execute it and your "trap"s are set to their original values when a child process
is created.

The 128+signal stuff only applies to the
return value variable "$?" which when a program
is terminated by a signal (i.e. SEGV, BUS, etc)
and dumps core, the value of this signal + 128
is returned in $?

The short of it is... if you want to assure
proper signal handling in your shells, you
should have traps in all your scripts.

# 5  
Old 10-18-2001
in ksh you could do something like this:

# Functions
function trap_cmd {
echo "Ack, I've been whacked!"
exit 2
function trap_segv {
echo "Uh oh, segmentation fault... we may have just dumped core."
exit 127
# Error handling
trap 'trap_cmd' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 19 20
trap 'trap_segv' 11
# Dummy command... interrupt with ^C, ^\, ^Z or kill it...
while `true`
sleep 5

I hope that helps with the handling of multiple different signals, and with placing a function with the trap...

Oh, BTW, these signals are from Linux's kill... yours may vary...
# 6  
Old 10-18-2001
Thanks! It looks like this will help. I'm going to try a few things and post back.

Thanks, again, for your help.
# 7  
Old 10-19-2001

Thanks a lot! I put the stuff into some functions and everything is working well. The only caveat is that I have to dot the function file into every script (children included) so that it woks correctly.

Thanks again for your help.
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