Changing fonts with Acroread

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# 1  
Old 11-04-2013
Changing fonts with Acroread


I am trying to print pdf on a solaris machine. The acroread works but the font are too big. I am printing on a HP printer.
Can anyone advise on how to change the font size, and margins size?

# 2  
Old 11-07-2013
Copy the text to a word processor and set your desired font. PDF is designed to preserve the look from the author. If it is in image form, you might snap the image and expand it, or scan it into text.
# 3  
Old 11-08-2013
Sorry, I do not understand.
There is no wordprocessor in my solaris box. The format of the pdf is somehow changing when printing on unix. The bottom of the page is cut off and the fonts are larger. If I print the same document on the windows platform, it comes out as expected.
# 4  
Old 11-08-2013
Some PDF files contains definitions for all of the fonts included in the file; some don't and assume that the fonts used in the PDF file will be available on the system where the file is used. If the PDF file you have does not contain definitions for all of the fonts it is using and some of those fonts are not available on the Solaris box you're using to print the file, acroread will try to pick a similar font. Sometimes that produces output that look like the original file, sometimes it produces distorted text.

When fonts are unavailable, acroread usually pops up a window when opening that PDF file saying that one or more fonts weren't found and it lets you select a replacement for each missing font. If your version of acroread isn't doing that, you might check the Adobe website to see if a newer version of acroread is available for your system.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 5  
Old 11-12-2013
Thanks for the information. I will ask our unix team if we have the latest acroread. I am executing the Acroread through a command line, so I do not get any pop up window.
# 6  
Old 11-13-2013
If you pdf print it on windows, the result may work better. Usually pdf is platform and local font independent. Can you select all and copy the text?

---------- Post updated at 02:40 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:12 PM ----------

If you pdf print it on windows to a pdf printer like CutePDF, the result may work better. Usually pdf is platform and local font independent.

Can you select all and copy the text? No word processor on your Solaris CDE menus? You can get the GNOME WP:
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