keep an open connection with scp or another similar program

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users keep an open connection with scp or another similar program
# 1  
Old 08-10-2011
keep an open connection with scp or another similar program

Does anyone know a way to keep the connection open with scp? I really don't like having to type my password in every time I want to transfer a file. Or is there another similar program that will keep my connection open?
# 2  
Old 08-10-2011
You can setup SSH shared keys between the 2 hosts you want to scp.
With shared keys, it won't ask you for a password. Search on google on how to setup password less SSH authentication between 2 hosts.
# 3  
Old 08-10-2011
# 4  
Old 08-11-2011
Originally Posted by COKEDUDE
Does anyone know a way to keep the connection open with scp? I really don't like having to type my password in every time I want to transfer a file. Or is there another similar program that will keep my connection open?
Try sftp. It gives you an interactive prompt. It's not a shell, so things like fancy ls options won't work.

sftp username@host
password:  ####
> put local.file path/to/remote/file
> put other.file path/to/other.file
> get path/to/remote/file
> mget path/to/many/files*
> exit

There's also ways to setup auto-login for ssh/scp/sftp (all the same protocol technically), keys, so scp won't have to ask for a password.
# 5  
Old 08-12-2011
Originally Posted by Corona688
Try sftp. It gives you an interactive prompt. It's not a shell, so things like fancy ls options won't work.

sftp username@host
password:  ####
> put local.file path/to/remote/file
> put other.file path/to/other.file
> get path/to/remote/file
> mget path/to/many/files*
> exit

There's also ways to setup auto-login for ssh/scp/sftp (all the same protocol technically), keys, so scp won't have to ask for a password.
Thx Smilie. Does mget not exist in the fedora version of sftp? I have the most updated version of sftp and I can't find mget in my man pages.
# 6  
Old 08-12-2011
Just try it, it works. The GNU people just want to punish people for using 'man' pages instead of their newfangled 'info' ones.
# 7  
Old 08-12-2011
Shh keys are better and they can be used to remotely login to your servers as well. I can give step by step instructions if you need it.

Also you can use the GUI to connect. On the top panel go to places --> connect to Server

I hope this helps
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