SCP Connection Timeout

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# 1  
Old 07-15-2011
SCP Connection Timeout

Hello UNIX users,

Thanks for helping me in my earlier post. Now, I am facing a timeout issue when ever I am transferring a zipped file from my server to client's server.

If the zipped file size is below 3 MB, it goes fine. Anything above that fails.

Below is the part of screenshot from the log file:

+ scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa target_username@target_ip_address:~/from_source/
Read from remote host target_ip_address: Connection timed out
lost connection

All this happens in less than 1 minute. Even when I execute this scp command manually, the file transfer gets halted after a while.

Please help me take care of this connection time out problem.

Just as an info: I am using SunOS and the target system is UBUNTU.

# 2  
Old 07-15-2011
This occurs either when the destination host is down or when
problems in the network cause lost transmission.

First check the operation of the host system, for example by
using ping(1M) and ftp (1), then repair or reboot as necessary.
If that doesn’t solve the problem, check the network cabling and

No connection was established in a specified time. A connect or
send request failed because the destination host did not properly
respond after a reasonable interval. (The timeout period is
dependent on the communication protocol.)
It usually means you never sent all the data to start with, or no data at all.

The problem is on the ubuntu side probably.
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