dlpsh(1)						      General Commands Manual							  dlpsh(1)

dlpsh - command shell for executing DLP commands on a Palm handheld device SYNOPSIS
dlpsh -p <port> DESCRIPTION
dlpsh allows the user to connect to a Palm handheld device and execute arbitrary Data Link Protocol (DLP) commands. Once connected, the user may execute any of the built-in DLP commands. (See BUILT-IN COMMANDS). The connection to the Pilot is kept alive by sending a PadTickle packet to the Pilot after a small period of non-activity. (7 seconds by default) BUILT-IN COMMANDS There are many options available to dlpsh, including the following. user Print the currently set User information ls Used with -l and -r to provide long and ROM file lists df display how much RAM and ROM is free on your device time, dtp Desktop-to-Palm, set the time on the Palm from the desktop rm Remove a file, delete it entirely from the Palm device quit, exit Exit the DLP Protocol Shell OPTIONS While in dlpsh, you can always invoke 'help' or 'option --help' to get further information on that option. USAGE
The program will connect to a target, and give the user a prompt for executing commands. KNOWN BUGS
dlpsh has no known bugs. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs at http://bugs.pilot-link.org/ AUTHOR
dlpsh was written by Chris Stevens <stevens@rpi.edu> and Damien Neil <neild@rpi.edu> Free Software Foundation Palm Computing Device Tools dlpsh(1)