asadmin-display-license(1AS)					   User Commands				      asadmin-display-license(1AS)

asadmin-display-license, display-license - displays the license information SYNOPSIS
display-license [--user admin_user][--password admin_password][--host localhost] [--port 4848][--passwordfile filename][--secure|-s] display-license displays the license information. This command can run both locally and remotely. OPTIONS
--user administrative user associated for the instance. --password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user. --host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance. --port administrative port number associated with the administrative host. --passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance). --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the administrative instance. Example 1: Using display-license in local mode asadmin> display-license ***************************************************************** Eval Sun ONE Application Server 7 Evaluation License Expiration date Tues 11 Sept 11:58:47 PDT 2002 Number of instances per admin server Unlimited Allow remote administration YES ***************************************************************** Example 2: Using display-license in remote mode asadmin> display-license --user admin --password adminadmin --host fuyako --port 7070 ***************************************************************** Eval Sun ONE Application Server 7 Evaluation License Expiration date Tues 11 Sept 11:58:47 PDT 2002 Number of instances per admin server Unlimited Allow remote administration YES ***************************************************************** EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-install-license(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-display-license(1AS)