Tcp waits

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Operating Systems Linux SuSE Tcp waits
# 1  
Old 11-30-2015
Tcp waits

Hi Guys

I am running an Oracle database and most of my sessions are waiting for tcp.

Now, how do I check if tcp from the O/S level is servicing requests properly?

Please Help!!!

Thanks in advance...
# 2  
Old 11-30-2015
Originally Posted by Phuti
I am running an Oracle database and most of my sessions are waiting for tcp.
What exactly do you mean by "waiting for tcp"? TCP establishes so-called "virtual channels" for communication. Think of them like telephone connections: you dial a number and once someone picks up at the other end the connection is established until the connection is dropped (one of the partners hangs up).

TCP connections (here is a difference to the telephone analogy) then go into a state which is called "FIN_WAITING" for some time until they are completely removed. You can influence the time this phase takes via TCP tuning options but in 99.9% of all systems this is not necessary.

So again: what is your problem and what do you mean by "waiting for tcp"?

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-02-2015
Thanks Bakunin

I mean a code in the database that sends emails to our customers but these function is shows that the mails are in a queue.

Now, when I investigate the database I could see that there is a delay from the exchange server and I always see one connection from smpt I see one and it takes about 10-15 minutes.

I need help in troubleshooting these delays...

Thanks in advance...
# 4  
Old 12-03-2015
OK, the picture is clearer now, but still not entirely conclusive:

Originally Posted by Phuti
and I always see one connection from smpt I see one and it takes about 10-15 minutes.
I suppose by "smpt" you mean "SMTP", which is "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol". This is a specialized protocol (based on the TCP protocol as a means of transport) to transport mails between a client and the MTA as well as between MTAs. (If you cannot make sense of the term MTA: here is a short introduction).

If you maintain an Exchange Server (which is a software as close to a real MTA as Microsoft was able to program it) it perhaps uses SMTP transmissions to send and/or receive mails, both locally and to/from outside. Depending on the volume of data to send may or may not take several minutes to do so.

How about describing your environment and your problem a bit more completely so that we can provide concrete help instead of giving you some general information, hm?

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 5  
Old 12-04-2015
Thanks for the reply...

This could be due to the TCP server being slow. How can test the tcp performance?

I also require help with the NIC config, just to check if its configured properly.

Please guide as to how can I see if the NIC is properly configured.

Thanks in advance...
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