Delete and copy file(s) slowly(!?)

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Operating Systems Solaris Delete and copy file(s) slowly(!?)
# 1  
Old 02-20-2008
Delete and copy file(s) slowly(!?)

Hi all!

I have to monitor space in V890 machine, Solaris 10 weekly, because there is Oracle DB on it with many datafiles which have been taken offline to make enough size.

Sometime, one or more datafiles are big, they are 20GB, 40GB etc.. The problem I have encountered is the processing of copying and deleting slowly.

And I am a newbie on Solaris, would you like to guide me for this problem?

Thank you very much!
# 2  
Old 02-21-2008
Do you really want to take a copy and remove the datafiles ?
It will make your DB inconsistent. Isn't it ?
# 3  
Old 02-21-2008
Originally Posted by manikantants
Do you really want to take a copy and remove the datafiles ?
It will make your DB inconsistent. Isn't it ?
It's belonged to my policy which is manually take one/more copies datafile to the other storages. And, you may not wonder about this, I am sure that about, because I am a DBA. However, when I copied them to the Windows machine, it was very slow, same to delete internal in Solaris.

I wonder about the processing because one situation may be occur like:

- Take a copy datafile to its location from DVD when if some people want to retrieve history data.

Thank you for your reply! Smilie
# 4  
Old 02-21-2008
well, where do you need a backup ? in some other mount of the same machine or to some external storage device ?
# 5  
Old 02-21-2008
Originally Posted by manikantants
well, where do you need a backup ? in some other mount of the same machine or to some external storage device ?
Thank you for your reply!

Said I that
However, when I copied them to the Windows machine, it was very slow, same to delete internal in Solaris.
I meant all of the datafiles brought to offline was copied to the other system, it's a Windows machine in LAN. I used the SMB method to connect to Windows, and copied them to. Well, there is stranger thing, 2/3 copied processing are very fast, about 35GB, the remained file was about 14GB was very very slow. I did not really understand why. Of course, the tablespace was brough offline.

About the backup, I use RMAN to backup DB with policy RECOVER WINDOW OF 7 DAYS, whole backup. And there is no relation to this problem, inlcuding CPU process or resource, because it is executed at Saturday weekly.

Thanks again!
# 6  
Old 02-22-2008
Hi all!

I've found that the slowly processing due to Interface.
And then, I use command 'rm -f' to delete a file, it's very cool.
However, would you like to guide me how do I not connect to Solaris by File Zila server?

I often connect to it by command in Windows, that's ok.

Thank you!
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