Adminsuite help

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Operating Systems Solaris Adminsuite help
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Old 01-22-2008
Adminsuite help

I have downloaded Adminsuite from sun website and installed in to my sun blade 100. The problem I am having is when i run Solstice it gives me an error messege:
Launcher warning
Solistice Registry error [-14]
Unable to locate registry check whether Adminsuite software is installed.

Well like i said i have installed Adminsuite software.
can someone help me with this please. Thank you
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Adminsuite problem

I have downloaded Adminsuite from sun website and installed in to my sun blade 100. The problem I am having is when i run Solstice it gives me an error messege: Launcher warning Solistice Registry error Unable to locate registry check whether Adminsuite software is installed. Well like i... (0 Replies)
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soldelapp(1M)						  System Administration Commands					     soldelapp(1M)

soldelapp - remove an application from the Solstice application registry SYNOPSIS
/usr/snadm/bin/soldelapp [-r registry] -n name DESCRIPTION
soldelapp removes an application from the Solstice application registry. After removal, the application is no longer displayed in the Sol- stice Launcher main window (see solstice(1M)). OPTIONS
-r registry Define the full path name of the Solstice registry file. -n name Define the name of the tool to be removed. When executed without options, soldelapp uses /opt/SUNWadm/etc/.solstice_registry (the default registry path). RETURN VALUES
0 on success 1 on failure 2 if the registry is locked 3 if name is not found in the registry 4 if the named registry or default registry is not found EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample display of the soldelapp command. The following removes an application called Disk Manager from the Solstice application registry and the Solstice Launcher main window. # soldelapp -r /opt/SUNWadm/etc/.solstice_registry -n "Disk Manager" FILES
/opt/SUNWadm/etc/.solstice_registry The default registry file. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsadml | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
soladdapp(1M), solstice(1M), attributes(5) NOTES
Globally registered applications are used by local and remote users sharing the software in a particular /opt directory. They can be removed only using soldelapp. SunOS 5.10 15 Sep 1995 soldelapp(1M)