Installation os on sun machine

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Operating Systems Solaris Installation os on sun machine
# 1  
Old 01-21-2008
Installation os on sun machine

I had one sun ultra enterprise1 cpu.
it's not giving any disply,which operating system it's support.
How can install os on this CPU.
# 2  
Old 01-21-2008
That's a pretty old server, but you'd probably get away with Solaris 2.6 on there.

BTW, please don't call it a CPU, call it a computer, server, box, whatever, but not a CPU.
The CPU is the little chip in there that does most of (but not all) the work.
# 3  
Old 01-22-2008
yeah yeah unix pls have more respect call it a box. But wintel servers you can call them CPUS or whatever you like except a box Smilie

For your ultra1 box does it come with any graphic card?

You can use old CRT monitors with analog, flatscreen lcd monitors use digital signals will not work(unless they also support analog)
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