Solaris 10 Tutor

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris 10 Tutor
# 1  
Old 10-23-2007
Solaris 10 Tutor

I am looking to enter into the IT field and i'm very interestd in the Solaris 10 OS.

Apart from shelling out outrageous sums to companies based here in the UK, I would appreciate any other advise on how to go about studying, understanding and certifiying in Solaris 10.

I have tried to install the OS on my pc, but some commands are not working and I have no idea how to configure the system.

ps. Does ayone have any experience of Koenig Solutions, based in India. The amounts being quoted are far below what is being offered here in the UK and I'm wary of being defrauded. I welcome your advice.
# 2  
Old 10-27-2007
Solaris 10

I would recommend getting these three books. They cover all that you need for both exams you will need to take. You have to take two exams to get SCSA in Solaris 10. First half of each book covers the first test, and the second half covers the second test. Sun (R) Certified System Administrator for Solaris (TM) 10 Study Guide (Exams 310-200 & 310-202): Books: Paul Sanghera Sun (R) Certified System Administrator for Solaris (TM) 10 Study Guide (Exams 310-200 & 310-202): Books: Paul Sanghera SCSA Exam Quicklet: Sun Certified System Adminstrator for Solaris 10 Practice Exams: Books: Paul Sanghera

I would also recommend going to Log on . This is a discussion forum just for Solaris. The author of one of the Solaris, and the person who helps Sun write exam questions owns that site, and he is a great resource.
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