Solaris system
version 6
I cloned the drive using the DD command.
Using the format command and examining the partitions, all looks the same as the original drive.
When I attach the cloned drive as the master, and only drive in system, it will not boot.
Error messages:
Hostname bstdx-srvr
/sbin/swapadd: expr: not found
/sbin/swapadd: /usr/sbin/swap not found
Warning: /usr/sbin/fsck not found. Most likely the mount of USR failed or the /usr filesystem is badly damaged. The system is being halted. Either reinstall the system or boot with the -b option in an attempt to recover.
Syncing file systems...done
Program terminated
When I tried the boot-b from the ok> prompt:
Init - cannot create /var/adm/utmp or /var/adm/vtmp
Init - single user mode
Any Advice to this Solaris newbie ? Thanks !!