How to link sed from /usr/bin/sed to /usr/local/bin/sed?

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Operating Systems Solaris How to link sed from /usr/bin/sed to /usr/local/bin/sed?
# 1  
Old 01-28-2014
How to link sed from /usr/bin/sed to /usr/local/bin/sed?

Hi Guys,
OS:- Solaris 10 64Bit
I have a small query.
On one server a user is facing sed command issue.
He gets error regarding sed for this location
/users/hoy/2999/batch5/bin/[69]: /usr/local/bin/sed:  not found

How ever the sed is actually present at this location on server:-

So I need to know How can I solve this problem?
I guess ln -s will do the trick here but need to know what exactly I need to do here?
And how to check version of sed here on the Server?
Please advise.
# 2  
Old 01-28-2014
Have your looked at on line 69 ? Chances are there is a call to /usr/local/bin/sed, wereas on your system it is located in /usr/bin. If so, the script would need to be adjusted..
# 3  
Old 01-28-2014
The person who wrote presumably specified /usr/local/bin/sed because the version of sed installed in that location had some feature that was not available in /usr/bin/sed on the system where the script was deployed. If you can find the author of that script, find out from them what version of sed the script needs to work correctly and install it as /usr/local/bin/sed on the server in question. If you can't find the author, but can find out what system was running this script, find out what version of sed is installed in /usr/local/bin on that system.

If you can't find the person that wrote the script and can't figure out which system the script came from, get someone who knows sed to examine the way the script uses options and regular expressions to determine why the author didn't just use /usr/bin/sed. Then, either rewrite the script to use "standard" sed options and BREs or change it to reference a different version of sed on your Solaris System that has the desired features (/usr/xpg4/bin/sed, /usr/gnu/bin/sed, ...).

You could use ln -s to set up a symlink, but that defeats the purpose of /usr/local/bin. If the script can use /usr/bin/sed instead of /usr/local/bin/sed, change the script to just use sed (or explicitly use /usr/bin/sed) rather than /usr/local/bin/sed.
# 4  
Old 01-28-2014
Hi all,

Thanks for reply.

I have downloaded GNU version of sed-4.2.2.tar.gz from this site.


BUt I need to know how to install it.

After doing gunzip I got this in folder:-

-bash-3.2$ ls
ABOUT-NLS       COPYING         INSTALL         NEWS            THANKS          bootstrap     doc             po
AUTHORS         COPYING.DOC     README          aclocal.m4      bootstrap.conf  configure       lib             sed
BUGS            ChangeLog     README-alpha    basicdefs.h     build-aux    m4              testsuite

-bash-3.2$ ls
ABOUT-NLS       COPYING         INSTALL         NEWS            THANKS          bootstrap     doc             po
AUTHORS         COPYING.DOC     README          aclocal.m4      bootstrap.conf  configure       lib             sed
BUGS            ChangeLog     README-alpha    basicdefs.h     build-aux    m4              testsuite

Need to know how to install it, I also need to make sure that it is installed in /usr/local/bin.

Please advise.


Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-28-2014 at 08:57 AM.. Reason: addtional code tags
# 5  
Old 01-28-2014
If you have a program named gunzip installed, do you also have gsed installed?

When you download software and it includes a file named README, I think it should be obvious that you should start by reading that file. Then, at a minimum, read the files INSTALL, and, ABOUT-NLS, BUGS, and NEWS. Assuming that sed and testsuite are directories, I would also look at the files in them. If you're curious (or paranoid), look at all of the files you downloaded!

Then, if the instructions on what to do to install GNU sed as /usr/local/bin/sed weren't clear, show us the instructions you didn't understand.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 6  
Old 01-28-2014
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
If you have a program named gunzip installed, do you also have gsed installed?
/usr/bin/gunzip belongs to Solaris since a decade (package SUNWgzip).
This User Gave Thanks to MadeInGermany For This Post:
# 7  
Old 01-29-2014
Redme file has nothing:-
-bash-3.2$ cat README
This is the GNU implementation of sed, the Unix stream editor.
See the NEWS file for a brief summary and the ChangeLog for
more detailed descriptions of changes.
See the file INSTALL for generic compilation and installation
See the file BUGS for instructions about reporting bugs.
The file README.boot gives instructions for making a "bootstrap"
version of sed on systems which lack any pre-existing and working
version of sed.

This is what INSTALL file say:-
  On Solaris, don't put `/usr/ucb' early in your `PATH'.  This
directory contains several dysfunctional programs; working variants of
these programs are available in `/usr/bin'.  So, if you need `/usr/ucb'
in your `PATH', put it _after_ `/usr/bin'.
   On Haiku, software installed for all users goes in `/boot/common',
not `/usr/local'.  It is recommended to use the following options:
     ./configure --prefix=/boot/common

As I need to install GNU version of sed in /usr/local/bin
do I need to do :- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bin ???
Please advise.
Modifying the script is last option.
By the way is there any site which can give me GNU version of sed in Solaris package format , that would be really nice.
Thanks a lot.
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