Perl 5.8.9 on Solaris 5.10

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Operating Systems Solaris Perl 5.8.9 on Solaris 5.10
# 1  
Old 11-12-2013
Sun Perl 5.8.9 on Solaris 5.10


I am getting some error while i try to install perl 5.8.9 for solaris-5.10 ( SUNW 5.9 Compiler) . I have tried the below steps to compile perl

Variable settings:

               export CC=cc
               export CFLAGS="-m64"
               export CPPFLAGS="-m64"

Destination folder location: /mpde/sun10.x/perl/test/5.8.9

Installation steps:

       ./Configure -Dcc=${CMP_ROOT}/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -Accflags="-m64"        -Dprefix=/mpde/sun10.x/perl/test/5.8.9 -Dusethreads


Checking to see how big your double precision numbers are...
      CC: Warning: -xarch=generic64 is deprecated, use -m64 to create       64-bit programs
      CC: Warning: -xarch=generic64 is deprecated, use -m64 to create       64-bit programs
      Your double is 8 bytes long.

During gmake , i got the above error so replaced "-xarch=generic64" to "-m64" in all the files in the installation folder and i reran the gmake command . But again i am ended with below error
      "Finding dependencies for walk.o.
      make: Warning: Both `makefile' and `Makefile' exist
      Current working directory       /home/mpde/gnu/perl/perl-5.8.9/perl-5.8.9/x2p
      echo Makefile.SH cflags.SH | tr ' ' '\n' >.shlist
      Updating makefile...
      /bin/sh config_h.SH
      Extracting config.h (with variable substitutions)
      `sh  cflags "optimize='-O'" miniperlmain.o`  miniperlmain.c
                CCCMD =  /mpde/sun10.x/cmplrs/CC_5.9/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC        -DPERL_CORE -c -D_REENTRANT -m64 -I/usr/local/include -m64        -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV         -O  
      "proto.h", line 31: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 41: Warning: attribute __malloc__ is unsupported       and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 42: Error: "{" expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 42: Error: warn_unused_result is not defined.
      "proto.h", line 44: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed only       at file level.
      "proto.h", line 45: Warning: attribute __malloc__ is unsupported       and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 46: Error: "," expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 48: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed only       at file level.
      "proto.h", line 230: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 231: Error: "{" expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 231: Error: pure is not defined.
      "proto.h", line 233: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 234: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 235: Error: "," expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 237: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 238: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 239: Error: "," expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 241: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 242: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 243: Error: "," expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 245: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 246: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 247: Error: "," expected instead of "(".
      "proto.h", line 249: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 250: Warning: attribute warn_unused_result is       unsupported and will be skipped..
      "proto.h", line 252: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 255: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 256: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      "proto.h", line 257: Error: Linkage specifications are allowed       only at file level.
      Compilation aborted, too many Error messages.
      *** Error code 1
      make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `miniperlmain.o'"

There were no clue for library or header missing in the error log so i am not able to find the reason for the error. Could you suggest me how to solve this issue.


Last edited by Scott; 11-12-2013 at 03:57 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags and a descriptive subject title in future. Thanks.
# 2  
Old 11-12-2013
Have you tried the GNU compiler?
# 3  
Old 11-13-2013
Thanks for your reply

We are setting up a environment , in which we have pre-compiled SUNW as a compiler " Scenario like installing perl 5.8.9 for various version SUNWspro (5.0,5.8,5.9,7) . In single sun machine (SunOS 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440 ) we have many SUNWspro compilers , and we need to install perl 5.8.9 in latest (5.9 ) compiler . We have already installed older version of perl in all the compiler by following the above steps.
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