Oracle VMs and VLANs

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Operating Systems Solaris Oracle VMs and VLANs
# 1  
Old 09-09-2013
Oracle VMs and VLANs

I've been given an IP address to assign to an ldom that is in a different subnet than the host, and I am looking for assistance in getting it online. I believe I need "VLAN tagging" as found in this link, but I do not understand all of the terminology.

My host machine is on subnet 10.25.112.x, and I have ldoms on the same subnet that are online and working properly. My new ldom has an IP address on the subnet 10.26.63.x.

root@sun10:/# ldm list-services
    NAME             LDOM             MAC               NET-DEV   ID   DEVICE     LINKPROP   DEFAULT-VLAN-ID PVID VID                  MTU   MODE   INTER-VNET-LINK
    primary-vsw0     primary          00:14:4f:fb:e8:b5 igb0      0    switch@0              1               1                         1500         on

LDOM same subnet
[root@vm-s1: /]# netstat -rn

Routing Table: IPv4
  Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use     Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------
default              UG        1     118872         U         1       2992 vnet0           U         1          0 vnet0              UH        4        669 lo0

LDOM different subnet
# netstat -rn

Routing Table: IPv4
  Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use     Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------
default               UG        1      86557          U         1      43933 vnet0           U         1          0 vnet0              UH        4        123 lo0

I don't fully understand the example they give in this link. In my situation is the 112 subnet the untagged VLAN?
# 2  
Old 09-10-2013
I believe your switch port will have to be configured as trunk (the real switch port to which primary vsw is connected via igb0)

Before the change, be sure to inspect other ldom network configurations using the same vsw and actual switch port setup (trunk).

Then you change your vsw
ldm set-vsw pvid=1 vid=63 primary-vsw0 # assuming vlan id for 10.0.63.x is 63..

If you need more then 63, you will add them with comma [/icode]...vid=63,220,75[/icode]

Then you add your vnet device with additional vid=63 option per ldom (or multiple vids)

Configure route and ip address on ldom host for the new interface (as you did).
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