Setting up prctl

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Operating Systems Solaris Setting up prctl
# 1  
Old 09-16-2011
Setting up prctl


I have a 7 sparseroot zone (container) in a global zone. I need to assign min and max CPU to 14 for one of the zone (container). I know, how to assign it through pooladm. But I was asked to add it through prctl.
In the same global zone, there are other 4 local zones, which have flag of rctl, which is associated with zone.cpu-cap
I am not sure, how to set it up.
Please help.

# 2  
Old 09-16-2011
Usually you employ prctl to change running processes, in this case I guess it would be the zsched daemon for the zone.

This does not make sense, or I don't quite understand something. You seem to imply you want a permanent change. I've used prtctl on zsched to change some resource limit temporarily because we could not bring down a production zone to do it using zonecfg.
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