Hi Guys,
@psshah, The website I provided in the first post got README from Oracle, so if Oracle doesn't request any special installation steps is it safe to apply this patch even if it Prod env?
Or should I test it in Dev env first?
As you mention this env is very critical even if I applied this patch in single user mode because it has RAC and Sun Cluster sw.
Thanks for you comments.
@achenle Oracle DBA doesn't care for Netbackup upgrade, he is considering his own DB so down time for his DB is very critical, So I came with installing this patch in normal mode while DB is off, is it dangers?
Thanks for your comments.
@fpmurphy, Yes there is newer patch, but as this patch is minimum requirement and no special steps needed I decided to apply it.
Symantec stated "Customers should review the above list and apply the patches relavent to their configuration. If later O/S patches are available, they should be applied. The above list is simply the minimum level."
Thanks for your comments.
I really appreciate your comments guys and I need your experiences in this field, should I or shouldn't try to install this patch in normal operation mode?
I came with some steps to be in safe side:
1- Backup all effected libs in the README, 12 libs.
2- Shutdown the db before applying this patch.
3- Clear shared library from RAM before applying this Patch.
4- In case of any thing went wrong I will remove the patch then restore libs that I backed up.
What do you think, Do you agree with me or you don't?
Thanks again, and I hope you help me before I miss with my env