SMF: How to start inetd and all its dependents?

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Operating Systems Solaris SMF: How to start inetd and all its dependents?
# 8  
Old 07-26-2011
service is already ok. Smilie
state        online

# 9  
Old 07-27-2011
Sorry I was in hurry and got info from another server Smilie. Here is the right one:

# svcs -l inetd
fmri         svc:/network/inetd:default
name         inetd
enabled      true
state        offline
next_state   none
state_time   Tue Jul 26 13:33:38 2011
restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
dependency   require_any/error svc:/network/loopback (online)
dependency   require_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)
dependency   optional_all/error svc:/milestone/network (online)
dependency   optional_all/error svc:/network/rpc/bind (offline)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/inetd-upgrade (disabled)
dependency   require_all/none svc:/milestone/sysconfig (offline) svc:/milestone/name-serv

# 10  
Old 07-27-2011
Post output of
svcs -l svc:/milestone/sysconfig

# 11  
Old 07-27-2011
Here you are. Thanks.

# svcs -l svc:/milestone/sysconfig
fmri svc:/milestone/sysconfig:default
name Basic system configuration milestone
enabled true
state offline
next_state none
state_time Tue Jul 26 13:33:37 2011
restarter svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
dependency require_all/none svc:/milestone/single-user (online)
dependency optional_all/none svc:/system/sysidtool:system (offline)
dependency optional_all/none svc:/system/sysidtool:net (offline)
# 12  
Old 08-08-2011
Hi, I am still waiting for answers for these 'simple' questions:

How can I use one or a few command to start inetd and all its dependents and dependents' dependents? How to start them including inetd at boot time?

Thank you in advance!
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