Solaris 10 Not Logging Anything

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris 10 Not Logging Anything
# 1  
Old 07-14-2011
Solaris 10 Not Logging Anything


It would appear that my server is no longer logging anything. Last time anything was written to /var/adm/messages and /var/log/syslog was Aug 26 2010. I was told there was a storm and the power went out or something around that time, but there were never any problems. I've tried restarting syslogd and it still won't log anything, and my /etc/syslog.conf file is identical to another server I have that is properly logging.

I'd really appreciate some help with this. Thanks guys
# 2  
Old 07-14-2011
can you post

# 3  
Old 07-15-2011
# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
#ident  "@(#)syslog.conf        2.3     02/02/21        SMI"
# This "syslog.conf" file was installed by JASS.  This
# file should be used to log information both locally as
# well as to a centralized log server (or servers) so that
# proactive log analysis can be done.

*.err;kern.notice;auth.notice   /dev/console
*.alert                         root
*.emerg                         *

*.debug                         /var/adm/messages
# *.debug                       @loghost1
# *.debug                       @loghost2;mail.notice;          /var/adm/mail.log
mail.debug;mail.alert           /var/adm/mail.log
mail.emerg                      /var/adm/mail.log

# 4  
Old 07-19-2011

Is anything wrong with my syslog.conf?

Last edited by Scott; 07-19-2011 at 09:56 AM.. Reason: Moved to Solaris forum
# 5  
Old 07-19-2011
Did you use SMF to restart syslog daemon? If not then try it now:
svcadm restart system-log

After that post the output of:
svcs -xv system-log

# 6  
Old 07-20-2011
svc:/system/system-log:default (system log)
 State: online since Wed Jul 20 08:59:36 2011
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M syslogd
   See: /var/svc/log/system-system-log:default.log
Impact: None.

I'd like to note that I removed all of the existing messages files from /var/adm and when I restarted syslog it created a new empty messages file but still won't log to it.
# 7  
Old 07-20-2011
logger -p daemon.error test

Then check if it got logged into the messages file.
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