10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
I have to work in the late nights some times for server maintenance and in a hurry to complete I am accidentally changing ownership or permission of directories :(
which have similar names ( /var in root and var of some other directory ).:confused:
Can some one suggest me with the... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: shiek.kaleem
1 Replies
2. AIX
I try to access to data after connect a new disk (hdisk1) to a AIX 7.1 system
This new disk was assigned to a rootvg from another AIX 6.1 system.
It seem not assigned to any vg
but if I tried to assigned hdisk1 to rootvg i get :
Data seem to be always here ... ouf ;-)... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Voran
4 Replies
3. Solaris
I changed disk controller. Unplugged every disk, inserted another controller card, an IBM M1015. The disks are recognized in BIOS, and the controller card's BIOS shows up. But after that, I drop into GRUB and a prompt. That is all.
How shall I solve this problem? I am thinking of booting from... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: kebabbert
2 Replies
4. Linux
Hi all,
I'm kind of new to programming in Linux & c/c++. I'm currently writing a FileManager using Ubuntu Linux(10.10) for Learning Purposes. I've got started on this project by creating a loopback device to be used as my virtual hard disk. After creating the loop back hard disk and mounting it... (23 Replies)
Discussion started by: shen747
23 Replies
5. Filesystems, Disks and Memory
I wanted to share an experience I had today which was quite a learning experience and perhaps useful for others who may run into the issue at some point in the future.
Basically, the scenario involves a OS which was installed on a machine which hardware-wise, had a SATA Drive. The... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: septima.pars
0 Replies
6. SCO
Dear all,
I'm newbie in SCO. I already purchase SCO 5.0.7 and SATA Tape Drive (not SCSI) for IBM server. not a cheap investment :(
my problem is:
I can't use my sata tape on sco 5.0.7 for backup my data because sco can't detect any sata tape has been plug into o/s. i already running "mkdev... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: asumatezuka
7 Replies
7. AIX
How to allow Windows platform to access Unix(AIX) based disk volumes? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: rainbow_bean
2 Replies
8. HP-UX
I have an HP RX4640 running HP-UX 11iv3 with two internal disks and its connected to a HP disk system 2400 with fibre cable.
If the storage system is online before the server is on then the server can't find the disks. And I get the following error messages:
vgchange: Warning: Couldn't... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: hoff
3 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I've booted a Digital Unix 4.0D system from cd-rom and I need to access the system's disk drives. I need to run the fixfdmn utility on the root domain so I need to create the root domain in /etc/fdmns.
Could someone tell me how to access my system's disk drives after I've booted from... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: xadamz23
1 Replies
10. Programming
Is there any way to write to disk sector by sector, without any files, filesystems etc. I did that in DOS, but that was DOS. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Lopatonosec
3 Replies