Anyone help to interpretate os statistics

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Operating Systems Solaris Anyone help to interpretate os statistics
# 8  
Old 06-29-2011
Hi jtwcarboy,

Thanks a lot for prompt response. I need to figure out how much real memory is free because I need to expand one database memory. Could you tell me how can I see that?

Last edited by DukeNuke2; 06-29-2011 at 01:32 PM..
# 9  
Old 06-29-2011
Take a look at the below command and output. It seems to break things down well:
This is from a machine with 64Gb of Memory and this row shows the f ree memory:
Free (freelist) 13096905 51159 78%

#  echo ::memstat | mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                     646470              2525    4%
ZFS File Data             1920208              7500   11%
Anon                      1078294              4212    6%
Exec and libs               14431                56    0%
Page cache                   2544                 9    0%
Free (cachelist)            13012                50    0%
Free (freelist)          13096905             51159   78%

Total                    16771864             65515
Physical                 16324293             63766

Last edited by DukeNuke2; 06-29-2011 at 01:33 PM..
# 10  
Old 06-29-2011
Originally Posted by giteshtrivedi
Thanks a lot for prompt response. I need to figure out how much real memory is free because I need to expand one database memory. Could you tell me how can I see that?
I already wrote you have 8 GB free.
Is there anything that makes you believe this is incorrect ? Or perhaps by "real memory" you mean something different than RAM ?

I corrected a typo, you can run
echo ::memstat | mdb -k

and post its output.
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