1.Connect to ender
2.type: ssh-keygen -t rsa
default directory for keyfiles will be ~/.ssh/
if you do not want to be prompted, leave passphrase blank
3.copy the contents of .ssh/id_rsa.pub (there should only be one line)
4.place this line on bean, in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
5.that’s it, you should now be able to ssh/sftp/scp from ender to bean without being prompted for a password!
I am having trouble configuring wu-ftpd on my system to allow a real user to login. I am not sure where to start. I'll try to give as much information as possible.
Here is a log of what happened.
ftp> open
Connected to
220 FTP server (Version... (0 Replies)
I want test the ssh trust between two host. It works fine if the trust is working fine but if the trust is not working fine it gets stuck.
for i in `cat /users/test/host.txt`;
ssh test@$i uname -a >> /users/test/ssh.txt
test=`cat... (0 Replies)
We need to configure user in c shell with the following format when he tries to login to the system for SOLARIS 9 OS
Let me know the steps for the confiuring the user login as per the requirement.. (2 Replies)
Hi Does anybody knows about the simple certificate enrollment protocol details ?
if yes please provide me the details.
And what is a trust anchor profile ?
Thanks in advance. (0 Replies)
Hi, i am setting up ssh trust setup between two servers where SVRA is a solaris box and SVRB is a Red Hat Linux.
It is asking for the password all the time.
I have copied over the SVRA:/home/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa.pub as authorized_keys on
to SVRB:/dat01/home/nagios/.ssh/
-bash-3.00$ ssh -vvv... (4 Replies)
I get a message similar to this, in the syslog file.
Actually, I am trying to let the host at access the HP-UX system.
How do I get it trusted?
Thanks! (2 Replies)
I have two systems SysA & SysB having the same userid sharing the home directory via NFS mount.
I need to know the steps to setup ssh trust between these two systems given that both share the home dir.
I have tried all the steps to generate the keys & then creating identification &... (2 Replies)