Lan Issue

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Operating Systems Solaris Lan Issue
# 1  
Old 09-30-2009
Lan Issue

Hi Mates,

I have one problem connecting a solaris machine to winxp machine.

Solaris 10 OS Virtual machine - on VMWARE (Ip Address:-
WINXP SP2 is the base os. (Ip Address:-
Bothe machines are connected using a bridge networking VMnet1.
When i ping winxp machine to SUN machine & vie versa its pinging.

When i try to connet to Solaris machine using Putty using root id my winxp machine get hanged up.

When i try to connet to Solaris machine using Putty using any other id my winxp machine works for very little time then stops responding then again it start working.

can any one tell me how do i get rid of it or do i have do any configuration changes & how ?
# 2  
Old 09-30-2009
this looks more like a windows/vmware problem... so maybe another forum would be the right place to ask this question... we have a "virtualisation" subforum and i can move this thread to there if you like...
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