Ftp not connecting to ip

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Operating Systems Solaris Ftp not connecting to ip
# 8  
Old 09-01-2009
Originally Posted by reborg
You might be running into a TCP_FUSION related bug.

If that is the case then

Add the following lines at the bottom of the /etc/system file.

(Reboot to take affect.)

* Disable tcp fusion
set ip:do_tcp_fusion = 0×0

# mdb -k
Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix specfs dtrace ufs sd pcipsy ip
sctp usba fctl nca crypto zfs random ipc nfs audiosup logindmux ptm
cpc fcip sppp lofs ]
> do_tcp_fusion/X
do_tcp_fusion: 0
If the value returned is "0" the host is not impacted.
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IO::All::FTP(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					 IO::All::FTP(3pm)

IO::All::FTP - Extends IO::All to FTP URLs SYNOPSIS
use IO::All; "hello world " > io('ftp://localhost/test/x'); # save to FTP io('ftp//example.org/pub/xyz') > io('xyz'); # GET to file # two ways of getting a file with a password: $content < io('ftp://me:secret@example.org/xyz'); $content < io('ftp://example.org/xyz')->user('me')->password('secret'); DESCRIPTION
This module extends IO::All for dealing with FTP URLs. Note that you don't need to use it explicitly, as it is autoloaded by IO::All whenever it sees something that looks like an FTP URL. METHODS
This is a subclass of IO::All::LWP. The only new method is "ftp", which can be used to create a blank IO::All::FTP object; or it can also take an FTP URL as a parameter. Note that in most cases it is simpler just to call io('ftp//example.com'), which calls the "ftp" method automatically. OPERATOR OVERLOADING
The same operators from IO::All may be used. < GETs an FTP URL; > PUTs to an FTP URL. SEE ALSO
Ivan Tubert-Brohman <itub@cpan.org> and Brian Ingerson <ingy@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007. Ivan Tubert-Brohman and Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html> perl v5.10.0 2007-03-29 IO::All::FTP(3pm)